About Blog

Hello there, awesome reader ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am not here to judge any book. The book is a creation of author at its best of her/his capabilities. I think at most I can do is to take a journey through their world and I express How I feel like. I may give some comments to seek answers to questions raised in my mind while reading but I really don't feel like judging them with my limited capabilities. Rather I would try to look in books soul and try to understand them.

This is not a just another Book review Blog but this blog will take you through a short journey of a book. It's an honest opinion about the book. I have tried my best not to give any spoilers. I don't want you to go with my opinion about any of these books instead I want you to read these books and experience their beauty by yourself. My work is just to help you choose right kind of book you want.

This blog also contains page about Authors where I have given a brief introduction about the Authors and their backgrounds and some interesting stories about their life. I always feel like to know the person who can create a new world. many of them might have put their real life stories in a book.

Happy Reading :) ๐Ÿ˜
